Chiara Pasquale Obstetrics and Gynecology Chiara Pasquale is a specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics. She has experience in reproductive medicine and prenatal diagnosis. Ultrasound evaluation (I and II level) in pregnant and non-pregnant women, three-dimensional obstetric and gynecological ultrasound scans. Evaluation of tubal patiency using hysterosalpingography. Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopies. Italian and english speaker CV…

Assunta Lippa Obstetrics and Gynecology Biography Dr. Assunta Lippa is a gynecologist specialized in Reproductive Medicine. In Altamedica PMA as Clinical Manager she deals with coordination of research in the field of human reproduction and clinical activities in the field of couple infertility. Since 2001, he has followed approximately 2,500 couples from a clinical, diagnostic…